Neogi Group - News & Events - August 2017

The Final Audit of Neogi Technologies And Research Pvt. Ltd. for ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007 was conducted by a team of Indian Register Quality Systems (IRQS) on 9th and 10th August, 2017. The team was lead by Mr. S Mitra. The other auditors of the team were Mr. M K sikriwal, Mr. S Sensarma, Mr. K Mukherjee and Mr. P Chakraborty.
At the onset, NTR Pvt. Ltd. presented a PPT presentation for its different products along with the different tools undertaken by the company for the continual improvement. Mr. Mitra briefed about the process which will be taken up for auditing different sections. The Production Dept. along with QA & DD was audited by Mr. K Mukherjee and Mr. P Chakraborty. Mr. Sensarma undertook the audit task of Maintenance and Store. Mr. Silriwal and Mr. Mitra had been looking after the top management side.
The auditors other than Mr. Mitra visited the shop floor and asked a lot of questions to the shop floor employees. The first day audit was interesting and cooperative from both ends.

Neogi Technologies And Research Pvt. Ltd. organized a workshop on Goods & services Tax on 12th August, 2017 in the conference room of the organization. Mr. Soumen Kumar Neogi, Sr. Partner, The South Point, Mr. Samjib Kumar Neogi, Director NTR Pvt. Ltd. and others were present in the session. Mrs. SmitaGuha, Asst. Commissioner of Central Excise, Kol – V Commissioner ate was the faculty present in the session. Mrs. Guha in her PPT presentation explained in detail about the different aspects of GST rules. The participants present in the session also asked her a lot of questions regarding the problems faced by them during implementation of GST. The workshop was very effective and useful.