Neogi Group - News & Events - February 2020
The Jammu & Kashmir Government’s first “Global Investors’ Summit” -Road Show was curtain raised on 17 February 2020 at the Hotel Lalit Great Eastern, Kolkata. The Road Show was organized by the Jammu and Kashmir Trade Promotion Organization (JKTPO), a nodal agency for Government of J&K along with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Ernst & Young. The Show facilitated prospective investors to have a dialogue on the immense investment opportunities presented by this verdant region, presently. Welcome and introductory address was given by Mr. Sandipan Chakraborty, Ex. Chairman, CII Eastern Region & Ex.MD Tata Steel Downstream & Processing Ltd. He added that J&K will soon create a friendly environment for attracting industry in the newly carved UT of J & K. Mr. Hirdesh Kumar, IAS, Commissioner Secretary, School Education. J & K said that the government is offering productive incentives and relaxations in several industrial sectors. J&K is one of the best destinations in the country for setting up residential Schools, Smart Schools, Skill Development Centres etc. In the Road Show, a short film on UT J&K was shown, which was followed by a detailed presentation by Mr. Ravinder Kumar, IAS, Managing Director, JKTPO and JKSIDCO. A presentation also on Tourism Sector Avenues was made by Zubair Ahmad, Secretary Tourism. Mr. Gagan Jain, Director VKC Nuts Pvt Ltd. also shared his views in the sessions. Mr. Tarun Kr. Sen of Neogi Technologies & Research Pvt. Ltd. joined the programme. Mr. Prasant Sharma, Co-Chairman, CII ER Healthcare Committee and Managing Director Charnock Hospital gave Vote of Thanks.

Neogi Technologies & Research Pvt. Ltd. (NTR Pvt. Ltd.) along with The South Point and Dhrubapada Neogi Charitable Trust organized 15th Blood Donation and Health Check Up Camp at Rajpur Milan Parishad play ground on 16th February, 2020.
NTR Pvt. Ltd. believes in upgrading human qualities. Health consciousness is a major point of concern in the society and to cater this problem NTR Pvt. Ltd. and D P Neogi Charitable Trust had been organizing Blood Donation Camps, various Pathological Tests, Eye Check Up etc. for the under privileged people of the society.
NTR Pvt. Ltd. is having spontaneous support from all the sections of the society including local administration. NTR Pvt. Ltd. also invites the Swamijis of Ramkrishna Mission, Narendrapur every year to inspire the people to be associated with this noble act which is in line with the thought process of Swami Vivekananda. This year, Swami Puratana Nanda was present in the programme and he explained lucidly the thinking of Sri Ramkrishna – To serve the mankind is the best act of serving the God.

Neogi Technologies & Research Pvt. Ltd. participated in the session “Industry Interaction with Central PF Commissioner” on 21st February, 2020 held in Taj Bengal, Kolkata organized by Confederation of Indian Industry (ER), Kolkata. The notable speakers were Mr. Sunil Barthwal, IAS, Central Provident Fund Commissioner, EPFO, Mr. J P Chauhan, RPFC-I, Mr. V Ranganath, Addl. CFC, Ms. Shahira K Sangma, Addl. CPFC, Mr. Navendu Rai, RPFC-I and others. Mr. Nadeem Kazim, Co Chairman, HR-IR Sub Committee, CII (ER) in his welcome address invited all to participate with all their queries. Mr. Sunil Barthwal, IAS in his address mentioned about the different upcoming programmes which are to be undertaken in the recent future as follows:
Updation of PF Platform Ver 2.0 which will be faster and user friendly
More fast Server thus enabling payment in the portal will be more fast
Know your “UAN” and generate your “PPO” will be coming soon
EPF site will fetch employees database from UIDAI details
Employees will be able to create their own UAN through EPF Member login portal
Joint declaration will be available ON Line
Scope for uploading marriage certificate
Easier steps for Text Mode Pattern and Payment Process
For implementing the above facilities, the employer as well as the employees were requested to fill up Employees’ E Nomination in EPF portal as soon as possible. The Aadhar Card should be Mobile No. linked and exact Date of Birth, Father’s /Husband’s name must be incorporated correctly.
Mr. Santanu Chatterjee of CII (ER) gave Vote of Thanks to all present in the session. Mr. Mitadru Mukherjee and Mr. Subhajit Nath of NTR Pvt. Ltd. joined the session on behalf of NTR Pvt. Ltd. The session was very interesting.