Neogi Group - News & Events - JAN 2024
NTR Pvt. Ltd. participation in “Dialogue for Strengthening Quality Eco-System in India”

Neogi Technologies and Research Pvt. Ltd. participated in “Dialogue for Strengthening Quality Eco-System in India” on 6th January, 2024. This program was organized on the foundation day of BIS (6th January) and was attended/addressed by various eminent personalities from Ministries and Institutions. The event was inaugurated by Sri Pramod Kumar Tiwari, Director General, BIS. He welcomed all the eminent dignitaries and guests describing the long journey and achievements of BIS. Honorable Union Minister Sri Piyush Goel could not attend the event physically but addressed online. The main points of discussions are tabulated below:
- BIS, DPIIT, and the Ministry of Consumer Affairs are working to fulfill the objectives and targets as set by the Honorable Prime Minister for AmritKal tenure and making India marked as a developed Nation by 2047.
- BIS, DPIIT, and the Ministry of Consumer Affairs are encouraging manufacturers to improve quality standards, and for that always ready to extend needful support.
- BIS is organizing weekly/ monthly/bi-monthly online interactions with manufacturers to understand the needs and difficulties in the field. BIS requested manufacturers to interact with these online sessions.
- To improve the quality standard, ready to introduce new certifications or modify the standard as per requirement. Ready to introduce new certification standards.
- This was pointed out that the recognition /acceptability of BIS certification at the Global level is not very wide and Global acceptance to be enhanced further.

Sri Pyush Goyal, Union Minister of Commerce & Industries

Sri Ashwini Kr Choubey Minister of State for Consumer Affairs

Sri Sanjiv Jt Secretary DPIIT

Sri Pramod Kr Tiwari Director General BIS
We are the manufacturer of NEOGI Flow Scope Electronic Fuel dispenser.
We are the manufacturer of NEOGI Hose Pipe
We are the manufacturer of Pressure vacuum Valve
We are the manufacturer of Shear Valve.
We are the manufacturer of Auto Cut Off Nozzles.