Neogi Group - News & Events - JULY 2022

Neogi Technologies and Research Private Limited participated in Defence Conclave 2022 organised by MCCI, Kolkata and the Indian Defence Department, Government Of India. Mr. Sandip Kumar Neogi, Director and Mr.Tarun Sen were present on behalf of Neogi Technologies and Research Private Limited.
The meeting was addressed by the top officials of the three wings of the Defence Department and they mentioned about the concerns and needs of armed forces.
They also explained how MSME could contribute to the business for Indian industries and to the needs of armed forces.
The opening of the Strategic Defence Sector for Private Sector participation will help foreign OEM to enter into Strategic Partnership with Indian Company and leverage the domestic markets and also aim at global business standard.
The speakers were overjoyed at the big opportunity for Indian MSMEs in the Defence Sector.
The Defence Department is ready to give Start Up Capital for entrepreneurs who are interested to work for innovation, to start research incubation centre, supply of defence requirements under indigenization perspective for International Standards.

Kolkata: GoC-in-C of Eastern Command Lt Gen Rana Pratap Kalita presents a memento to President of Merchants' Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Rishab C. Kothari during the 'MCCI Defence Conclave 2022', in Kolkata, Tuesday, May 24, 2022.

Images from the special session on "MCCI Defence Conclave 2022" with Chief Guest, Lt. Gen Rana Pratap Kalita, UYSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, GOC-in-C, Eastern Command, (HQ) held on Thursday, 24th May, 2022 at The Park, Kolkata
We are the Solution Provider in Fuel Management System.
We are the manufacturer of Electronic Bowser both Battery and PTO operated.
We are the manufacturer of Pressure Vacuum Valve.
We are the manufacturer of Shear Valve.
We are the manufacturer of Auto Cut Off Nozzle.