Neogi Group - News & Events - JULY 2023
NTR Pvt. Ltd. participation in ONE WEEK ONE LAB ( OWOL)

Neogi Technologies And Research Private Ltd. participated in a Brainstorming Event on “The Need of Futuristic Environmental Outlook for the Industrial Sector in Eastern India - ONE WEEK ONE LAB.” organized by The CSIR-NEERI (National Environmental Engineering Research Institute) and CII-ER. Dr. Kalyan Rudra was present as the Chief Guest while Sri Mrinal Kanti Biswas, Regional Director, CPCB was present as the Guest of Honour. Dr. Rudra explained the importance of a Clean Environment and the Duties of Industries. Sri Mrinal Kanti Biswas delivered his views on Environmental Science and Engineering for Sustainable Development etc.
Dr Deepanjan Majumdar, Scientist and Head of Kolkata Zonal Centre, CSIR – NEERI, addressed “Exploring the future scope of hand-holding between CSIR- NEERI, CII-ER and Industries”. He thoroughly explained the vision of NEERI to continue to strive for providing innovative and effective solutions for environmentally sustainable development and to help the Government, Industry and Society especially the 800 million underprivileged people of India. The Funding bodies available for the Projects are CSIR, DBT, DST, UNICEF, TIFAC, and MoWR.
Mr. Tarun Sen participated on behalf of Neogi Technologies And Research Private Ltd. The Event concluded after Industry- Presentation like COGNIZANT ETC. on their past, present and future Projects on “ TO CLEAN ENVIRONMENT AND GO GREEN.”

We are the manufacturer of NEOGI Flow Scope Electronic Fuel dispenser.
We are the manufacturer of NEOGI Hose Pipe
We are the manufacturer of Pressure vacuum Valve
We are the manufacturer of Shear Valve.
We are the manufacturer of Auto Cut Off Nozzles.