Neogi Group - News & Events - MAY 2023
Training Programme for Internal Auditors for IMS Certification

Neogi Technologies and Research Pvt. Ltd. organized a two day Training Session on 17 th and 18 th April, 2023 in its Conference Room. Mr. Sandip Kumar Neogi, Director, NTR Pvt. Ltd. was present during this two days session. On the inaugural day, Mr. Sandip Kumar Neogi told about the necessity of this session for the purpose of updating ourselves with the different prospects of IMS system for the development of the industry. Mr. Anjan Ghosh was present to conduct the session. The participants were from the different sections of the organisation like production, sales and marketing, accounts, R&D, HR etc. On the second day, a test was organized by Mr. Ghosh for all the participating members which will enable them to be recognized as Internal Auditor. The session was highly interactive and interesting.
We are the Solution Provider in Fuel Management System.
We are the manufacturer of Electronic Fuel Dispenser, Neogi Flow Scope.
We are the manufacturer of Electronic Bowser both Battery and PTO operated.
We are the manufacturer of Pressure Vacuum Valve.
We are the manufacturer of Shear Valve.
We are the manufacturer of Auto Cut Off Nozzles.